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AR400 vs Hardox 450 steel plate

AR400 and Hardox 450 are both abrasion-resistant steel grades that offer excellent wear resistance properties. Here are the key differences between AR400 and Hardox 450:


AR400: AR400 is a generic designation used by various steel manufacturers to indicate a type of abrasion-resistant steel.

Hardox 450: Hardox 450 is a specific brand of abrasion-resistant steel manufactured by SSAB.

Chemical Composition:

AR400: The chemical composition of AR400 can vary depending on the manufacturer, but it typically contains a carbon content around 0.30% to 0.40% and varying amounts of other alloying elements like manganese and chromium.

Hardox 450: Hardox 450 has a precise chemical composition specified by SSAB, which includes carbon content typically around 0.45%, manganese content around 1.60%, and other alloying elements for enhanced wear resistance.


AR400: AR400 typically has a hardness range of 360-440 BHN (Brinell Hardness Number).

Hardox 450: Hardox 450 has a hardness range of 425-475 BHN, offering higher hardness compared to AR400.


Both AR400 and Hardox 450 provide high strength levels suitable for applications requiring resistance to abrasive wear.


Weldability can vary based on the specific chemical composition and manufacturing process.

Proper welding procedures and precautions need to be followed for both AR400 and Hardox 450 to prevent issues such as cracking or reduced wear resistance in the heat-affected zones.


AR400 and Hardox 450 are commonly used in applications such as mining equipment, dump trucks, buckets, hoppers, crushers, and structural components subjected to abrasive wear conditions.


Hardox 450 is often considered a premium product and may come at a higher cost compared to generic AR400 from other manufacturers.

When choosing between AR400 and Hardox 450, factors like hardness requirements, specific application needs, availability, and budget considerations should be taken into account to select the most suitable abrasion-resistant steel grade for the intended use.

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