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European steel grade S355NL S355JR S355J2G3 steel plate

 S355NL standard: EN10025-3: Full name: Normalized / normalized rolled weldable fine grain structural steel plate. The standard S355NL thick plate must replace EN 10113-1: 1993 hot rolled weldable fine grain with EN10025-1 Granular structural steel products. Part 1: General conditions and EN10113-2: 1993 Hot-rolled weldable fine-grained structural steel products. Part 2: Normalized / normalized rolled steel conditions. When the temperature is not lower than -20C, the minimum value of the impact energy is specified by N. When the temperature is not lower than -50C, the minimum value of the impact energy is specified by NL.
S355NL standard: EN10025-3: Full name: Normalized / normalized rolled weldable fine grain structural steel plate. The picture of this standard S355NL thick plate must replace EN 10113-1: 1993 hot rolled weldable fine grain with EN10025-1 Granular structural steel products. Part 1: General conditions and EN10113-2: 1993 Hot-rolled weldable fine-grained structural steel products. Part 2: Normalized / normalized rolled steel conditions. When the temperature is not lower than -20C, the minimum value of the impact energy is specified by N. When the temperature is not lower than -50C, the minimum value of the impact energy is specified by NL.

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Executive standard: EN10025
Delivery status: normalized or controlled, S355NL impact temperature
Supply thickness: 8-400mm
Provide performance: Z15, Z25, Z35 135
Flaw detection requirements: EN10160: S2E2, S1E1 can be executed.
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