Q355B steel is a upgraded low alloy steel of grade Q345B. There are some differences between Q345B and Q355B steel.
Q345B steel and Q355B steel differences in mechanical propertiesQ345B steel mechanical properties:
Yield Strength requirement in different thickness:
t≤16mm: ≥345MPa;
16-40mm: ≥335MPa;
40-63mm: ≥325MPa;
63-80mm: ≥315MPa;
80-100mm: ≥305MPa;
100-150mm: ≥285MPa;
150-200mm: ≥275MPa;
200-250mm: ≥275MPa;
250-400mm: ≥265.
Tensile strength: 450-630Mpa.
Elongation: ≥21%.
Impact test: 20C
Q355B steel mechanical properties:
Yield strength requirement in different thickness:
≤16mm: ≥355MPa;
16-40mm: ≥345MPa;
40-63mm: ≥335MPa;
63-80mm: ≥325MPa;
80-100mm: ≥315MPa;
100-150mm: ≥295MPa;
150-200mm: ≥285MPa;
200-250mm: ≥275MPa;
Tensile strength: 450-630Mpa.
Elongation: ≥21%.
Impact temperature: 20℃
Delivery statusQ345B and Q355B steel plates are delivered in such conditions as control, normalizing, normalizing + tempering, thermomechanical rolling (TMCP), etc. If necessary, Z-direction function experiments are required, such as Q345D-Z15, Q345D- Z25, Q345D-Z35, etc. The flaw detection level has the first, second and third national standard detection.
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