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What is the difference between API 5L X60 and X65? steel plate

API 5L X60 and X65 are both high-strength steel grades designated by the American Petroleum Institute (API) for use in pipelines. Here are the key differences between API 5L X60 and X65:

Chemical Composition:

API 5L X60: It has a maximum carbon content of 0.26%, manganese maximum content of 1.4%, phosphorus maximum content of 0.030%, sulfur maximum content of 0.03%, and silicon content of 0.40%.

API 5L X65: It typically has a slightly higher maximum carbon content of 0.26%, manganese maximum content of 1.45%, phosphorus maximum content of 0.030%, sulfur maximum content of 0.03%, and silicon content of 0.45%.

Mechanical Properties:

API 5L X60: Minimum yield strength of 415 MPa (60,200 psi) and minimum tensile strength of 520 MPa (75,400 psi).

API 5L X65: Minimum yield strength of 450 MPa (65,300 psi) and minimum tensile strength of 535 MPa (77,600 psi).


Both X60 and X65 grades are commonly used for transportation of oil and gas in pipelines.

X65 is typically chosen for projects requiring higher strength and toughness compared to X60.


Both grades exhibit good weldability with suitable welding techniques and parameters.

X65 might require more attention during welding due to its slightly higher carbon and manganese content.


Generally, X65 steel can be more expensive than X60 due to its higher strength and performance characteristics.

Impact Resistance:

X65 typically offers improved impact resistance compared to X60, making it suitable for applications where low-temperature toughness is crucial.

When deciding between API 5L X60 and X65 for pipeline applications, factors such as project specifications, environmental conditions, required strength levels, and cost considerations should be taken into account to choose the most suitable grade that meets the specific project requirements.

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