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A242 Type1 chemical details,A242 Type1 mechanical properties steel plate

A242 Type1 chemical details,A242 Type1 mechanical properties

A242 Type1 chemical details,A242 Type1 mechanical properties
A242 Type1 chemical composition%:
C: max 0.13; Mn: max 1; Cr: 0.3-1.25; Si: max 0.75; CEV: max 0.52; S: max 0.03; Cu: 0.25-0.55; P: 0.06-0.15; other:---
ASTM A242 Type1 mechanical property:
Min yield strength Mpa:

  1. . Thickness(mm)≤16: 355
  2. . Thickness(mm)>16≤40: 345
  3. . Thickness(mm)>40≤63: ...
  4. . Thickness(mm)>63≤100:...

Tensile strength Mpa:

  1. . Thickness(mm)≤3: 510-680;
  2. . Thickness(mm)>3≤100: 470-630;
  3. . Thickness(mm)>100≤150: ....

Impact value: -20 degree, 27J A242 Type1, under ASTM standard, is a kind of steel to resistant to atmospheric corrosion, the delivery condition is hot-rolled, main types are steel plate and steel strip. Based on A242 Type1 chemical composition and A242 Type1 mechanical properties, it has a wide usage in manufacturing vehicle, tower frame, container, bridge, and other steel structure, etc. If interested on ASTM A242 Type1 chemical composition and ASTM A242 Type1 mechanical property, pls don't hesitate to contact our sale team, professional service for you. In addition, BEBON, as the most professional and one of biggest Corten steel suppliers, our Corten steel had spread to global steel market with low price and first-class quality. Any need on Corten steel, BEBON is your first choice, pls send your inquiry to us, you will get best offer at the first time.we also can supply S355J0WP Steel , S355J2WP Steel , S235J2W Steel , S355J2G2W Steel

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